Minister of Transportation Sokol Olldashi of Albania

Albania Cuts Mobile Termination Rates Albania’s Minister of Telecommunications, Sokol Olldashi has announced cuts in the mobile termination rates which he said will lower phone rates by around 20 percent.
Albanian Transport Minister Sokol Olldashi said the new project aimed to increase the volume of goods and passengers passing through Durres.
Minister of Interior Sokol Olldashi assured yesterday that the government will not be impeded in its process of drafting the voter lists for the upcoming local elections.
rings toward Western Europe," Olldashi said Saturday.
Interior Minister Sokol Olldashi had appeared on a popular TV show to announce to the country that police had seized a ton of cannabis.
Albanias Minister of Telecommunications Sokol Olldashi has announced that by October the countrys three wireless network operators will have reduced their tariffs by 20.
DUZCE - Albanian Interior Minister Sokol Olldashi has indicated that he hoped Turkey would advance on its EU accession process with sound steps.